Ground source heating uses less CO2 than other forms of heating systems, particularly electric heating or coal. As heat pumps generate energy from a renewable source — the earth — ground source heating is considered a renewable form of energy. Ground source heat pumps are also more energy efficient than air source heating alternative.
The main advantages of ground source heat pumps include:
Air heat source pumps, a subset of central heating pumps are a close relative of air-conditioning unit and refrigerator technology, operating in a reverse cycle.
Air source heat pumps are usually placed outside buildings and extract heat from the atmosphere. An air-to-air heat pump can absorb heat from air as cold as -15°C. The air is then heated and is absorbed into a fluid within the unit. The fluid is then compressed — raising its temperature — and circulated into the building heat network.
Air heat source pumps are cost effective, they are also very low maintenance and don’t require fuel deliveries to operate.
The traditional energy provider model only favours them. Use a different energy source, find a more efficient way.
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